Medical payment insurance is probably the best deal in insurance. Most people can get $5000.oo in coverage for about $20.00 a year! When you consider that you are most likely to suffer physical trauma from an auto accident, that is a really good deal. Also, your health insurer is going to try to put a lien against any personal injury settlement you receive, if you have Med Pay, that will offset any potential lien and you will put more cash in your pocket.
Another potential money saver for landlords is to have your paperwork and procedures reviewed by an experienced lawyer. By setting things up correctly, fixing your mistakes now, you may save thousands of dollars if you need to evict your tenants later on. Get your advice from experienced attorneys, that have performed hundreds of evictions and have also experience as landlords themselves. It is not true that tenants "have all the rights." It is true, that you have certain specific legal responsibilities as a landlord. If you don't handle things properly, your tenants can gain an advantage in court.
Divorce can be an emotional roller-coaster, especially if there are children involved. The wrong legal counsel can sometimes only add to the drama. On the other hand, experienced legal counsel puts the children first, lessens the turmoil, and helps you reach a fair result, so you can move on with your life.
Doing a simple Estate Plan which includes a Will, Power of Attorney and Health Care Proxy is a GIFT to your family, and will safe them, time money and aggravation if anything happens to you. It's relatively inexpensive too! Most simple estate plans are under $500.00.